Before traveling internationally, there are several things that need to be organized. A step that needs to be taken to provide a safe trip is a travel insurance. Occasionally, we see tourists on the news that had problems and some cases are serious. So I decided to make a post to clarify some important points. Since I am no expert on the subject, I asked Thais Toledo Nolasco De Benedetti, who works in the area, to answer some questions.
What to consider when choosing a travel insurance?
There are several types of insurance, each targeting a traveler profile and appropriate to each destination. The basic points to consider are: the type of trip and the traveler profile. Traveling for leisure, work, exchange, script with extreme sports, if the traveler has any pre-existing disease more serious to be considered, the age that traveler: all these are points that should be taken into consideration. Each type of insurance coverage and aims to meet this set of details. Insurance can be very customized to meet all kinds of travel, traveler and budget.
It is very important to consider whether the coverage amounts are minimally reasonable for the chosen destination. Of course we have no way to predict this kind of spending, but gives to have common sense. Another important thing is to observe the obligation as to insurance. For trips to Europe, for example, is one mandatory an insurance that covers at least 30.000 euros. This is a requirement of the European Union and you can be charged for it at the time you are entering a European country. To enter Cuba, is also required insurance.
What kind of coverage a travel insurance can provide me?
The insurance may, in addition to pay for medical expenses, provide assistance with fees for delayed flights, lost, stolen or damaged luggage, trip interruption, medical repatriation and funeral home removal in case of emergency, legal assistance and even compensation by cancellation of the trip for very serious reasons and has pre-established in the contract, among others.
I am ill / had an accident during the trip: how should they be the procedures?
It depends on the type of product, but in all cases, you must first contacting the insurance company hired when you need to use the insurance. There are plans to offer medical assistance to medical treatment within a provider network and the insured does not have to do any disbursement to perform the procedures. Already in other types of plans, the customer has the option to choose the clinic that he wants, paying the value of treatment, and subsequently applies for reimbursement of expenses.
How much will I spend on travel insurance?
It is difficult to know how much will be spent in emergency and unforeseen situation. Thus, one must take into account many details. It is essential to know exactly what kind of coverage the insurance you are hiring offers and meets the trip and the chosen destination. It’s a choice. Like the other items of the trip, there are economic products, such as family packages that are flat rate for up to 5 people in the same family. Exchanges and extreme sports deserve more attention. To New York and the United States in general, considering a 5-day trip, the cost is $ 23 for a person up to 75 years – with coverage up to $ 8,000 of medical care per event in addition to other benefits.
What about the credit card travel insurance?
Credit card insurance works, but in general they are very weak, low coverage and full coverage, not by event. The coverage is small and it can be a problem in case of an accident a little more serious. It is important to assess whether worth it- try to ensure something that causes you to be really protected.
Finally, it points out that there are several reliable companies in the market that offer great insurance. So it is very important to compare prices and coverage of each. The best products on the market offer assistance and insurance to “cover per event”, so that the contracted healthcare limit is renewed every need to use the traveler has. For example, if you have hired an insurance $ 8,000 assistance per event, you broke your leg, you have up to 8,000 dollars coverage for that event. Then, in another situation the same trip you break an arm, there is another amount of $ 8,000 for this new event and so on.
Did you like the information? If you are looking for a travel insurance, Thais works as a travel agent and she can help with this type of service as well. Contacts are:
Whatsapp: 55 62 9978-5554
thais@tainiks.com.br / thatatoo@hotmail.com

Laura Peruchi is a Brazilian blogger, author, and entrepreneur. She has lived in Manhattan with her husband since 2014. Since then, she has shared on her blog varied content about the Big Apple. From travel tips, including unusual things to do, shopping tips, etiquette, restaurants, and a lot more, her blog has become a reference in Portuguese (also available in English) for anyone planning a trip to New York City.