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Tips to save on your trip to New York

It’s always good to save some money, right? Dolar is expensive right now – which is not so good for people from other countries. And if you are planning to travel to New York, it’s hard, because the city is expensive. But, don’t freak out! I think you already realized that here, on the blog, the tips are focused on saving, right? You don’t need to cancel your trip, you just need planning it!

Tickets – How to find the best deals? Keep an eye on sites like Expedia and Kaiak. Another tool that I recommend for tickets search is Google Flights, because it already shows the final price, with the taxes- not to mention that also suggests dates for you to save more. On the Fly app is also interesting to find tickets.

Hosting – this is a nightmare for thos that travel to New York: hosting. Prices are expensive- and especially for those who have to convert the currency and want to stay near Times Square. At these times, is thinking outside the box. First, there is no only Times Square – if you search hotels outside the central region, or even outside the island, as Queens and Brooklyn (check two suggestions here) you will notice a significant drop in the prices. Another suggestion is to look for an apartment or room on Airbnb.

Transportation– in this regard, New York is amazing: the city has a subway system that can not be the cleanest in the world, but it works and covers much of the city. In addition, it is integrated with buses, which are also great in the city. Fare is $2.75 but you can get an unlimited pass for a week for  $31 (which applies to access to the bus as well). Even to get out of the airport you don’t  spend: AirTrain ($5) connects all terminals to subway stations. See more details here.

Eating– in my opinion, you should explore local cuisines when you are visiting a city. And New York is so rich in gastronomy! And no, that does not mean leaving your kidneys to pay a lunch check. There are good restaurants with affordable prices, not to mention the street food and chains of quick and different snacks. You can also go to a supermarket grab some snacks for a picnic, for example. Just get creative! In Gastronomy tab, here on the blog, there are several suggestions for cheap places to eat.

Attractions– ahhh, New York is so rich in museums, monuments, attractions … and you can see a lot for free! The two main museums – the Natural History Museum and the Museum Metropilitan – have suggested price tickets. That means that you pay what you want. Other museums in the city have days and times when admission is free – you can check out a guide here. Thinking of visiting the zoo or botanical gardens? There are also days when these attractions have free admission – see here. Do you wanna see Statue of Liberty? Take a ride on the ferry going to Staten Island and check a beautiful view of Manhattan – details of this tour here. Do you  wanna check more free things to do in the city? See this post here.

Shopping –  I would say that  you do not have to spend on transportation to go to Jersey Gardens or Woodbury when there are so many discount stores in the city – as I showed in this list, and this list. Not to mention that Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s have outlets in the city. Here on the blog, Shopping tab has many tips of cool stores. The city has also thrift stores that are great places to shop – check out a thrift guide here and also a video here. And don’t forget sample sales – check details here.

Did you like my tips? I talk about everything on this video:

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